Land Plan for Middleton Place House Sites
The work included development of a land plan and standards along with the coordinated layout of house sites on property adjacent to the historic gardens of Middleton Place. Arranged around the Middleton Stables, the properties have an equestrian orientation with phosphate gravel roads and integral trails. Lots are laid out the old fashioned way; that is, the house sites were located first according to the best vantage points, and then the property lines were drawn around the houses according to topography and landmarks. So, a deed might read, "...thence down the dry stream bed to the large rock, thence to the old live oak..." This way every house has a prominence and a feeling of being appropriate to the place. Standards indicate a naturalist, modernist style of architecture with muted colors. Lots vary in size from 1/4 acre to two acres.
Mike Morgan was project manager for this work while with Robert Marvin & Associates.
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