The team of Renzo Piano Building Workshop of Genoa, Italy and Lord Aeck Sargent Architects brought Mike on board to consult on design for the expansion of the Woodruff Arts Center site. Mike's role included preparation of construction documents and construction administration for the installation of landscape elements over the two-year construction period. At the time Mike was Manager of Landscape Architecture at Jordan Jones & Goulding (JJG) in Atlanta. JJG has since been purchased by Jacobs.
The team was charged to incorporate local materials wherever possible within the modern urban context of the Arts Center.
Project Start Date: June 2002
Project Completion Date: November 2005
Client: Lord Aeck Sargent Architects, Woodruff Arts
Palms after digging at the nursery near Fort Lauderdale. The palms were field grown and then moved into a shaded net house for a full year for acclimatization before they could be planted indoors.
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